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YES™ Ultimate EFAs are organically produced, cold-pressed plant and seed oils containing the essential fatty acids called Parent Omega-6 and Parent Omega-3. Your body cannot make these important omega oils so they must come from diet or supplements EFA deficiency is commonplace.


YES™ EFAs were formulated after ground-breaking work by Professor Brian Peskin on supporting a healthy cardiovascular system inspired from the seminal research of Nobel Winner and Cancer Scientist Dr Otto Warburg. YES™ Ultimate EFAs are unique because they are carefully blended to give you the ideal 2:1 ratio of omega 6 to 3 to guarantee the following benefits;


- helps to support healthy triglycerides and cholesterol levels 

- delays lactic acid burn, ideal for sports performance

- provides healthy fats as fuel, reduces sweet cravings

- balances blood sugar

- supports healthy hormone balance

- reduces inflammation causing stiff joints

- supports healthy myelin & mictochondrial function 



this is a proprietary vegan blend of 1,450 mgs per ¾ teaspoon of 100% organic oils including; flax oil, evening primrose oil, pumpkin oil, high linoleic sunflower oil, extra virgin coconut oil.



Adults should take 3/4 teaspoon daily based on 50 -75 kg body weight. each ¾ teaspoon is equivalent to one serving size Add ¼ teaspoon per day per every 20 kg body weight. 4 oz liquid per bottle gives a 30-day supply. Suitable for vegans.

YES Ultimate EFA's Liquid

  • 4 fl oz liquid


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